“He was a great man…” was the common theme uttered by many on Tuesday morning, August 19, 2008 while gathered in Veterans Memorial Park in Vassar, MI. The sun shone on a crowd of over 100 while a train whistled nearby in this city of nearly 3,000 people.
Vassar gained national attention in 1986 when the banks of the Cass River overflowed, causing massive widespread flooding of Biblical proportions. Vassar was once again in the news on December 2006, but this time it was due to the death of a hometown hero, U.S. Marine Corporal Christopher E. Esckelson. Christopher was killed while conducting combat operations in the Al Anbar province in Iraq, just days before his 23rd birthday.
The crowd of people gathered on this quiet morning to honor Christopher by re-dedicating the United State Post Office in his honor. Christopher’s mother, Mitzi Hill, works at the Vassar Post Office. A bill for the rededication was introduced in the House of Representatives by Representative Dale Kildee on May 10, 2007 as bill number HR-2276. The bill was passed into law on November 30, 2007. In attendance were Congressman Dale Kildee, representative of the 5th District, Representative Terry Brown, from the 84th District, and many U.S. Postal Service employees and managers, as well as the U.S. Marines Color Guard, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines.
The crowd of people gathered on this quiet morning to honor Christopher by re-dedicating the United State Post Office in his honor. Christopher’s mother, Mitzi Hill, works at the Vassar Post Office. A bill for the rededication was introduced in the House of Representatives by Representative Dale Kildee on May 10, 2007 as bill number HR-2276. The bill was passed into law on November 30, 2007. In attendance were Congressman Dale Kildee, representative of the 5th District, Representative Terry Brown, from the 84th District, and many U.S. Postal Service employees and managers, as well as the U.S. Marines Color Guard, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines.
Many of Christopher’s family and friends were in attendance, including his father, David Esckelson (pictured below left), his mother Michelle (Mitzi) Hill (pictured unveiling the plaque), sister Kari Esckelson, and stepsister Lauren Hill (a recent addition to the U.S. Air Force).
The plaque in honor of Christopher is available for all to see at the Vassar Post Office located at 203 N. Main St. begining on Wednesday, August 20, 2008.
(NOTE: The author wishes to thank Peggy White for editing assistance.)