Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Schraders

Merry Christmas from Jeremy and Sonya!
We’re ecstatic to share some big news with our family, friends, and colleagues: our first child is on the way. The baby is progressing well thus far - in fact, a faint heartbeat was detected during the latest doctor’s appointment - and Sonya’s projected due date is June 15, 2009. Indeed, we are truly blessed and look forward to being parents.
Sonya and I busied ourselves this year with travelling, on-going home renovation, and fishing. We spent a frigid week in Minnesota and Wisconsin in February. Day time temperatures did not break 0 degrees and night time lows plunged to near -20 degrees. Throw in wind chills of approximately -50 and you find yourself asking why any sane person would spend time in the tundra. Our answer came in the form of crisp blue skies and beautiful photographs.
The month of May took us to the Dallas / Fort Worth area to attend a railroad conference. While in the Lone Star State, we visited the President Kennedy assassination site in Dallas, attended a rodeo in aptly named Muleshoe, and dined at the legendary Big Texan Steak House in Amarillo (where one can get a 72 oz. top sirloin steak and the trimmings for free if it is eaten in an hour or less). We also explored and photographed rural eastern New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle.
We returned to nature this year and spent a few weekends and holidays camping in northern Ohio. Roughing it with a tent and campfire was a fantastic experience made all the more unforgettable by the folks we met along the way.
Jeremy got back into fishing this year and Sonya joined in on the action. We relished numerous summer and fall evenings together fishing for perch and bass off the dock on Tawas Bay. Much to his surprise, Jeremy caught a 24-inch walleye and a 27-inch catfish one afternoon while simply waiting for a few perch and mosquitoes to take the bait.
The front of our house received attention in August. Precarious cement steps and an aged wooden door were replaced with a decked porch and a modern entry. We are now in the process of converting the guest room for the baby.
We just returned from our last major vacation before the baby is born: a weeklong roadtrip to Florida. Not only were we treated to record high temperatures, but we also went deep sea fishing in the Atlantic Ocean 20 miles off of Cape Canaveral, visited the Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine, and spent a day with friends from Tawas who have a home in Arcadia. We wish you and your family and happy and healthy 2009 and hope to connect with you soon!
May God bless you …
Jeremy and Sonya Schrader

Monday, December 15, 2008

Fun in Florida

My wife and I spent a week in Florida, visiting locales such as Arcadia, Lake Okeechobee and Port Canaveral. We were entertained by friends from East Tawas, MI amid 70 and 80 degree weather and sunny skies. Cold beers, frequent trips around the park on a golf cart and steaks for dinner made for an experience we will soon not forget. We spent our time away from friends exploring the sugar cane fields of south central Florida, Deep Sea Fishing 20 + miles into the Atlantic Ocean and fresh seafood at sea side restaurants. The following are photographs from our latest adventure.

Stan and Indian discuss the finer points of Florida while enjoying a cold beer. Indian (Dick is his real name) is the owner of this fine home in Florida. In this photo, Jeremy (the author) wife Sonya, Clare and Indian.

Stan shows his appreciation of borrowing the authors hat.A train with cars ready to be loaded with sugar cane cross the Caloosahatchee Canal in Moore Haven, FL. The train is headed into the sugar cane fields near the south shore of Lake Okeechobee. Fishing boats and a scale rest under a setting sun in a harbor at Stuart, FL.

Jeremy runs out of the Atlantic Ocean, fearing the size of the next wave. Some have said I look like a Jelly Fish. What do you think?
Black Fin Tuna are amongst some of the fish caught aboard our fishing trip. While I did not catch any fish this large, I was happy with the smaller fish I caught and the time spent with my wife aboard the Atlantic Ocean.

One of the nicer fish I caught aboard the Miss Cape Canaveral was this Red Snapper. While not a legal size to keep, it did look nice the few moments I had it on the boat.

While our family was freezing under more than a foot of snow in Michigan, I was enjoying an ice cold Heineken, fresh shrimp and pepper crusted Tuna.
Lake Okeechobee, while at the shores of it banks resembles more of a swamp, is indeed classified a lake. Recent years of drought has lowered the water level leaving Lilly Pads sticking out of the water in a rather defiant way.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Main Track Entering Signal

I am employed as Signal Supervisor for Lake State Railway and Saginaw Bay Southern Railway. One of the capital projects I had planned for this summer was to better protect a main track switch in CTC territory. During the summer I worked with National Signal Corp. and installed a "Main Track Entering Signal" at Bridgeport on the Saginaw Sub. The switch and signal are named the "59 Signal". This industrial track goes into Dixie Cut Stone. By adding this signal, it allows our railroad to clear a train from the main track in CTC territory. We have not done so yet but the option is there. The signal is constant lit and is a LED dwarf, displaying red (STOP). It is controlled by a circuit controller on the derail and on the main track switch. If permitted by the train dispatcher to open the switch and no conflicting route is lined over the switch, the signal displays yellow over red (slow approach). Circuits that travel on a overhead pole line are broken through relays in the case at the location. The following are photos from the installation and cut-over of the system.

A Stork landed on my bird feeder

Sonya and I are pleased to announce we soon to be proud parents. The due date is projected to June 15. More details as they become available. Parenthood!

Sometimes You're The Bug

Often times, while cruising down the highway, we forget the smaller things we pass. Our eyes are glued to the never ending billboards advertising a Cheeseburger at the next stop. Others proclaim to have the cheapest gas in the county. Wal-Mart, next exit. The radio plays on and a conversation with a passenger erupts over which fast food joint has better french fries. Soon, 79 miles has passed underneath your bottom. A stop for fuel and fries yields one item we missed: the jumbo grasshopperthat was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I didn't know that it impaled itself on the grill of my Chevy. Next time, I will pay a little more attention.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fishing on the dock of the bay

Many people claim baseball, football, and basketball as their favorite pastime. But, in Michigan, one can easily confuse hunting for the state sport.
Not surprisingly, Michigan recognizes the white-tailed deer as the state game animal. Hunting season is a rite of passage, particularly in the northern portion of the state. Small factories shut down for one week in October for the beginning of bow hunting. Schools close their doors on the first day of gun hunting (November 15) because of the high rate of absenteeism resulting from young hunters slipping out for a day in the woods.
I am, however, not in this sporting majority and prefer to avoid the woods and anxious, gun-toting hunters. Rather, I spend my days after work, weekends, and holidays on the water instead, waiting for a prizewinning fish to come my way. And who says you need a boat to catch anything? I fish the bountiful waters of Tawas Bay quite well from the state dock at the foot of Newman Street in East Tawas. This picturesque seven-mile-long cove of Lake Huron is mere blocks from my front door.
Singer and song-writer Kid Rock recently released a song, heralded by many as a personal anthem with lyrics “catching walleye from the dock” and Otis Redding crooned “I’m sittin’ on the dock of the bay”. How much we have in common.

Some days my wife even accompanies me, keeping me entertained during the lulls in bites, even catching a fish or two.
People here flock to the docks hoping to catch walleye, salmon, or perch. Other species swim these waters too, including whitefish, catfish, and small-mouth bass. Everyone armed with a pole has a favorite variety and mine is perch. Despite their small size - generally six to eight inches - foot-long versions are not unusual. Once cleaned and filleted, perch make a great meal.

Fish aren't the only things I catch. One afternoon, while angling for perch, a hungry seagull swooped down and swallowed my bait hook, line, and sinker. The bird bit me twice before I had the opportunity to cut off the hook and let it get on with its life as a scavenger and mine as a fisherman. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtJxVO5sfnk
As fate would have it, I soon felt a strong tug on the pole. The ensuing 20-minute fight yielded the largest fish I have ever landed: a prehistoric-looking 27-inch catfish, weighing an estimated nine pounds. And, unlike some fisherman who can't support their tall tales with hard evidence, I can prove capture of this behemoth with photographs. Catch and release was the name of the game and I respectfully returned the trophy fish to the bay.
Fishing and hunting do have at least one thing in common: Patience is rewarded and less gun fire on the dock.

Thanks to Christian Goepel (http://www.journalistcitizen.blogspot.com/) for editing assistance.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Trip of Texas Proportions

May 2008 afforded my wife, Sonya, fellow photographer and friend, Christian J Goepel and myself a chance to explore the Dallas, Texas area as well as northwestern Texas. A business trip allowed all this to happen. The setting was the Gaylord Texan Hotel and Convention Center in suburban Grapevine, Texas. A sprawling hotel, large pool and a never ending supply of food and drink started the trip out with style. Once business was accomplished, we set out on a 4 day tour of northwestern Texas.

Burlington Northern Santa Fe train loaded with coal crest a hill near Electra, TX.

Crawford Ranch as it appears near Masterson, TX along side US87/287. Much of Texas is ranching territory and this is no exception.

Cowboys practice their roping skills at the Muleshoe Roping Club, Muleshoe, Texas.

Union Station in Dallas, Texas sees many passengers traveling through its doors daily.

An AMTRAK baggage handler exchanges pleasantries with the engineer of the Texas Eagle.

Hungry yet? A visit to the Big Texan Steak House in Amarillo, Texas can help. Eat a 72 ounce steak with all the side dishes in 60 minutes or less and it's free. If you fail, hand over $72 plus tax. One individual takes the steak house on and gives it his best.

The author did not take on the challenge of the 72 ounce steak but did he did conquer a 22 ounce Ribeye and 2 large Coors Light's in no time flat. (photo by Sonya S Schrader, wife and life insurance beneficiary)

If you have been driving all day and are too tired to get to the Big Texan Steak House, do not worry; one phone call to the restaurant will yield a driver and a stretched limo to get you to an eating experience like you've never seen before. My wife, Sonya, thankful we had a limo for this event, poses with the driver in front of our hotel. The only drawback; the restaurant does not allow guests to pilot their own limo, I tried.

The Cadillac Ranch rests a few miles west of Amarillo, Texas on the south side of Interstate 40. People from all over stop and pay tribute on all parts of the Cadillacs that are buried nose first into the hard earth. Visitors are encouraged to leave a message or paint a scene depicting their experience.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Mexico Sojourn

I was recently challenged by many friends and some family members to show some photos and recall thoughts from a trip to Eastern Texas and New Mexico in May, 2008. The trip afforded my wife Sonya, friend Christian Goepel and myself a chance to explore the southwest as no one else has. We departed the Dallas, Texas region and headed northwest toward the panhandle of Texas before heading into Oklahoma and Eastern New Mexico. The following are photos from the trip. I hope you find them as interesting as I did while making them.

Jeremy J Schrader and Christian J Goepel stand near Tucumcari, New Mexico near the former Rock Island, now Union Pacific's Golden State mainline. Photo by Sonya S Schrader

A horse ranch in Folsom, New Mexico.

A product of the The Aermotor Company from Chicago, IL is still doing business in Folsom, New Mexico.

A Burlington Northern Santa Fe intermodal train accelerates at a high rate of speed after changing crews at Clovis, New Mexico.

An Army of Ants go about their work, working around rocks and humans that dwarf themselves against the world that they must co-exist in.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Slacker Uprising now available for FREE

Michael Moore has released another movie documenting the events leading up to the election of 2004. A FREE copy of the movie "Slacker Uprising" is available for free to download and share with friends, enemies and others who may find this movie as enlightening as I did. Don't wait, the time is now. Hear the words of Michael Moore and John Kerry supportes as well as die hard Bush loyalists in this great movie. Download your FREE copy today. Spread the word.



Friday, September 12, 2008

Renter's Be Ware!

Good evening from East Tawas. If you would like to be my neighbor (nothing like Mr. Rogers) , please inquire within.
My newest neighbor rented the 2 story house across the street from me 4 months ago and have already been evicted, or left on their own, and for good cause. According to a young mother of 2 who shall remain nameless, the landlord, Jerry Klenow, who has allowed a gas leak to go un-noticed for 2 months and a broken water heater she has had enough. The inconveniences turned hazardous when her daughter became ill from the fumes from a broken gas water heater. A standard "FOR RENT" sign graced the house for a few days before I became nosey and "inquired within". She decided to express her concerns and offer the prospective renters more information than meets the eye. A detailed list of amenities as well as a phone number were included. She offered a great source of information on the dwelling in question, no holds barred. The next time you are looking for a place to rent, be forewarned of the hidden repairs needed to live safely.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Honoring Christopher E. Esckelson

"Christopher's Grandmother, Esther, arrives at the re-dedication ceremony."

“He was a great man…” was the common theme uttered by many on Tuesday morning, August 19, 2008 while gathered in Veterans Memorial Park in Vassar, MI. The sun shone on a crowd of over 100 while a train whistled nearby in this city of nearly 3,000 people.

Vassar gained national attention in 1986 when the banks of the Cass River overflowed, causing massive widespread flooding of Biblical proportions. Vassar was once again in the news on December 2006, but this time it was due to the death of a hometown hero, U.S. Marine Corporal Christopher E. Esckelson. Christopher was killed while conducting combat operations in the Al Anbar province in Iraq, just days before his 23rd birthday.
The crowd of people gathered on this quiet morning to honor Christopher by re-dedicating the United State Post Office in his honor. Christopher’s mother, Mitzi Hill, works at the Vassar Post Office. A bill for the rededication was introduced in the House of Representatives by Representative Dale Kildee on May 10, 2007 as bill number HR-2276. The bill was passed into law on November 30, 2007. In attendance were Congressman Dale Kildee, representative of the 5th District, Representative Terry Brown, from the 84th District, and many U.S. Postal Service employees and managers, as well as the U.S. Marines Color Guard, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 24th Marines.

Many of Christopher’s family and friends were in attendance, including his father, David Esckelson (pictured below left), his mother Michelle (Mitzi) Hill (pictured unveiling the plaque), sister Kari Esckelson, and stepsister Lauren Hill (a recent addition to the U.S. Air Force).

The plaque in honor of Christopher is available for all to see at the Vassar Post Office located at 203 N. Main St. begining on Wednesday, August 20, 2008.
(NOTE: The author wishes to thank Peggy White for editing assistance.)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tawas Bay Eagles Cup Race 2008

August 16, 2008 the Fraternal Order of Eagles and the Tawas Bay Yacht Club hosted the third annual "Eagles Cup Race" on beautiful Tawas Bay. Below is a collection of photos from the race. If you wish to purchase a photo, please email me at jeremyschrader@charter.net and include the number on the photo in your email for pricing.

Watching trains with Dad

Watching trains with Dad
Christian gazes out the window at a passing train

McKeesport, PA

McKeesport, PA
Reaching to the heavens above

California Bar

California Bar

Marquette, MI

Marquette, MI

Ore Dock at Night

Ore Dock at Night
Marquette, MI

National Mine

National Mine
Michigan's Upper Penninsula

LS&I Ore Dock Marquette, MI

LS&I Ore Dock  Marquette, MI
A great lakes ore carrier loads iron ore

Lonely Cemetary

Lonely Cemetary
A lone cemetary sits in the middle of a field near Maple Grove, Ohio.

Kentucky Barn

Kentucky Barn
A barn sits silently northeast of Louisville, Lentucky.

Frank and Teressa's Anchor Bar

Frank and Teressa's Anchor Bar
Buffalo, New York, the home of the Original Buffalo style chicken wing sits at the corner of Main Street and E North Street.

Cadillac Ranch Amarillo, Texas

Cadillac Ranch Amarillo, Texas
West of Amarillo, Texas off I-40 sits the Cadillac Ranch, a tribute to some of Detroits finest.


Posing in front of our new Chevrolet Silverado during a torrential rain storm.

Flat Tire

Flat Tire
An old bicycle rests outside an abandoned building at East Jordan, MI

Spinning in Space

Spinning in Space
The earth is at a constant rotation and never stops. As viewed from North Findlay, Ohio, the earth shows its' motion under clear skies.

Todays forecast; 88 degrees with snow

Todays forecast; 88 degrees with snow
Snow covers the tops of mountains north of Nipton, California while ground temperatures are near 88 degrees, at 1PM.

Mojave Refuge

Mojave Refuge
The Mojave Desert occupies over 22,000 square miles of the southwestern United States. It is a typical Basin and Range topography, as witnessed from Ivanpah, California. Looking northwest up Ivanpah Road, the basins and ranges are clearly visible.

Valley of Fire

Valley of Fire
A road passes through the Valley of Fire State Park, located north east of Las Vegas, Nevada. April 2006.

Waiting on a Friend

Waiting on a Friend
An unsuspecting passenger awaits the arrival of the next train from Chicago, IL on a cold Thanksgiving evening. The train is operated by the Chicago South Shore and South Bend Railroad. Photographed at the tiny depot at Beverly Shores, Indiana, November 2006.


"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind." ~John F. Kennedy, 1961 Photographed in Teutopolis, Illinois, April 2008.

Inauguration Day

Inauguration Day
Michigan Governor, Jennifer Granholm, accepts the oath of office on the steps of the capitol in Lansing, Michigan, January 1, 2007. Jennifer is serving her second term as governor of the state of Michigan.

The Cowboy Way

The Cowboy Way
Cowboy boots, leather straps, a horse and spurs are all that's needed at the Muleshoe Roping Club at Muleshoe, Texas. May 2008.

Bumble Bee Buzzz

Bumble Bee Buzzz
A Bumble Bee goes about his chores on our Japanese Barberry bush. May 2008, northern Michigan.

Flower Garden

Flower Garden
A light water vapor falls through our backyard flower garden, August 2005.

Lightning Crashes

Lightning Crashes
A severe thunderstorn has brewed over central Kansas and is now unleashing its fury in downtown Kansas City, MO. April 2008.

License Plate Collection

License Plate Collection
Located near Hope, Arkansas 2007

Standing Out Amongst Others

Standing Out Amongst Others
Many birds of a single feather do not distract Seagull from taking a break in the upper Mississippi River valley near Bettendorf, Iowa.

High Falls District

High Falls District
Evening sets in Rochester, New York. Earlier in the day, bird watchers gathered to view Falcons fly over the falls. August 2006.

Children of the Mud

Children of the Mud
Two young children splash in a puddle of mud after a recent rain-storm in a non-prudent manner in Streator, Illinois, April 2008.